Friday, March 19, 2010

Life skills!

I'm doing this blog for many reasons ,but the first one is this. I spent sometimes at my Grandparents house which was very fun. But I heard one thing over and over again. " What are you going to do after high school?" "Well I'm going to stay at home , but I might learn Midwifery." My grandpa , "Well you need a skill you just can't stay home tell you get married and not learn a skill."
That is sad that the world believes such lies. Don't get me wrong I think skills are great. But women were created to be helpmeets. HELLO we kinda have the body to have children. But the world doesn't see be married ,and having children as a job. They see it as a part time job .
I really want to have children some days I really want to be the type of women God designed me to be.
It will be a fight. A fight that with God on my side I CAN win.
I want to encourage all young ladies that someday what to be a wife and a mom. To fight the fight. Not to believe the lies that the world will tell them. But to look in God's words for the real truth. Because someday our families will thank us for making that choice ,and for fighting for them.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Sister

I have 4 sisters altogether and I love them all very dearly. 3 of my sisters are older then me ,and only one of them is younger her name is Leona. It just so happens that the one I'm writing about is the youngest one. She is 2 1/2 and is a complete doll. She is not like most little girls. She is wild and loves to scream the song "Jesus Loves Me" all the time. But that's not all, she loves to wear pretty things ,and do everything that (I) sissy does. She is so different then any of my 2 younger siblings.
I am so blessed to have a sister like her. The sad thing about that is it's taken me almost 2 years to really see what a blessing she is. I have always loved her and adored her ,but never as much as I should have.
This morning when I was heading out to go feed my animals I found a small girl (Leona) still in PJ's ,and wearing her cowgirl boots standing by the door. I knew by the way she looked at me that she was attending to come outside with me. But I asked anyways . "Leona where are you going?" " Me goin outside with YOU!" I just wish I could write what it felt like. The way she said it ,she was very determined to come outside . It was like God was showing me how much I was neglecting my little sister.I thought about the mornings before. When she would ask me if she could come outside with me. I very selfishly would tell her "no"
knowing that it would only be more work for me.It was hard for me to see my little sister all ready and so full of hope ,because I knew that many times before it had been just like that but I told her "No" and never even thinking about her or her feeling.
Not that telling her "no" is wrong ,but when I did it I was sinning I was only thinking of myself first. I was not working on a relationship that will last forever. I really want to ask everyone that they would be building relationships with their family. No matter how much of an age different there is. Because they love you and want to be with you. Some times we need to realize how much we tell then "No." Have fun with then ,and let them help you through out the day. It may take longer , but someday it may be to late to spend time with them.

The Princess

Once a long time ago there lived a Princess. She was not like any princess today or that you read about in storybooks. No this Princess had a beauty that would never pass away she had charm but an undecitful kind. She had a heart that was gentle with everyone and a peace that many never find in life. She works hard for her kingdom never taking for granted her position.
She was known to be a princess in her small village though some doubted her every word. Sayings “ If you are a Princess tell us where your Kingdom is. " She would gently reply " I have told you already, but you do not believe me nor can you understand what I am trying to tell you." She believed every day that her King would come for her she knew who he was, and she knew who she was."

One day while she was washing clothes by the stream she noticed some ones refection behind her. As she turned around she noticed that it was a small girl, infact she had seen this girl before when she was taking food to the orphanage. The Princess could tell that this little girl was scared. So she spoke to her in a soft gentle voice asking her name. Shyly she said, "My name is May. “The Princess was beginning to tell her what a pretty name that was when she saw the tears feel May's eyes. The Princess's heart was breaking for May for she could see that something big was on her precious little heart. So she walked over and knelt eye to eye with her and honestly asked what was wrong.
"I... I thought you were a Princess, I even told all my friends that I knew one, but I was wrong.
"The Princess laughed wiping the tears off May's face. "You weren't wrong I am a Princess."
" Well if you were really a Princess why don't you have long wavy hair, or pretty dresses? And..... and your house is no more then a shack."
The Princess looked down at her plain dress. Then she spoke in a voice just as gentle as the one before.
"My darling May how the world has lied to you."
"Beauty is something more then what you look like, it's even more then what is inside you, true beauty is given by the king."
"And as for my clothes. I just have to say they’re what I have. Because since I am a Princess that means I haves duties things that I must do. Giving to others pleases my King.
Yes some days I do want pretty dresses and pretty things, but other need things too so for me to keep all the money for myself wouldn't be very kind now would it?"
Standing up the Princess looked out across the land as far as her eyes could see, then back to little May.
" I know that my house is indeed much like a shack. But what many don't understand is that my kingdom is in another land, far away from here. Some day I will live in a kingdom unlike any other. Until then my King has placed me where I am."

“So dear May do you now believe that I am really am Princess?”


May said shyly, ashamed that she ever doubted her being one in the first place.

“ Good! Now how would you like to be one too?”

May sat up straight happiness shining brightly in her eyes.

“Do you really mean it?”

“Is it really true that I could be a Princess a Princess just like you?”

“Yes indeed I mean it with all my heart you can be a Princess just like me.”

“All you have to do is love the King of Kings with all your heart, and lay down anything that will distract you from keeping your mind on him.” “ I also know that serving him and working for the Kingdom can be hard since we can’t see it yet. But do it with all your strength and remember when you do see your reward it will be better then anything this world could ever offer you.”

I don’t want to end this book with the words

“ Happily ever after.”

But they did both live happy lives-serving people, serving their King. And not giving into what other Kings had to offer them. They both were true beautiful Princess.