Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas cookies.

I have always been the type that is very seasonal. The day after Thankgiving I bag my mother to let me decorate. I love listening to christamas music (even if it drives me nuts) I love the warmness of out fire place.
So the other day I was going to make sugar cookies I mean it's almost Christamas I can't not make them .So after making the dough . I know had to let it cool .That was a blessing for me because I stil had school and everything else to do.
When I looked at the clock I seen that I should be preheating the oven right now.I was in the computer room doing some school. I really needed to finish up something. So I asked my Mom would was already in there to set the oven to 400.
I finished school. And started making the prettest cookies. I used cute cookie cutter,and sprinkles. I placed the first to pans in the oven,and started to make the then next one.
I was giving my mom a hard time about cooking while I was cooking my cookies ,becasue then it takes away the smell of Christams cookies. Then I relized that something was burning. I didn't even expect it to be my cookies. For I had just placed them in the oven. I made a little joke to ma about something burnning ,and how it better not be my cookies. When I turned around just as mom was openning the oven and a puff of black smoke coming out of the oven. I asked mom how hot the oven was . 500 that's what you told me. NO mom 400. I looked at my cookies , well the black things that were shaped like cookies. And started to laugh mom joined in ,and we laughted so hard I cried. It was an amazing time. Although they were burned .We will never forget our Christmas cookies.

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