Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas cookies.

I have always been the type that is very seasonal. The day after Thankgiving I bag my mother to let me decorate. I love listening to christamas music (even if it drives me nuts) I love the warmness of out fire place.
So the other day I was going to make sugar cookies I mean it's almost Christamas I can't not make them .So after making the dough . I know had to let it cool .That was a blessing for me because I stil had school and everything else to do.
When I looked at the clock I seen that I should be preheating the oven right now.I was in the computer room doing some school. I really needed to finish up something. So I asked my Mom would was already in there to set the oven to 400.
I finished school. And started making the prettest cookies. I used cute cookie cutter,and sprinkles. I placed the first to pans in the oven,and started to make the then next one.
I was giving my mom a hard time about cooking while I was cooking my cookies ,becasue then it takes away the smell of Christams cookies. Then I relized that something was burning. I didn't even expect it to be my cookies. For I had just placed them in the oven. I made a little joke to ma about something burnning ,and how it better not be my cookies. When I turned around just as mom was openning the oven and a puff of black smoke coming out of the oven. I asked mom how hot the oven was . 500 that's what you told me. NO mom 400. I looked at my cookies , well the black things that were shaped like cookies. And started to laugh mom joined in ,and we laughted so hard I cried. It was an amazing time. Although they were burned .We will never forget our Christmas cookies.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Enjoying life.

This morning I looked out at the same veiw I do everyday.But today it took my breath away. It made me decide that today I was going to do something diffrently.Instead of living my everyday life. I wanted to forget about the things that suck all the time out of my day. And just enjoy life , and all the places and people God put in it.So I hopped on my horse and I went for a ride. I was still having my time with God it was just different ,and to be truthful I felt very close to God.
I got to see the frost still on the trees,and the fog moving above the fields.I got to enjoy Gods world.
And yes I still had to do school. But when it came to helping the little boys I made it fun. I told them about the bad birds that ate the farmers crop.I told them all about scarecrows.And when my little brother asked if we could build one I didn't say no I have so much stuff to do I said YES. Even if it ment lossing my (own) time later today to do my school work. But hey truthfully how long will they want to build a scarecrow for ,how much longer will my siblings want to hang out with me? So I want to make every moment count. So read them a book , walk over to the yard just to push them on the swing. I guess what I trying to say is don't forget what matters most because you have to much to do.Enjoy your family,and God

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm too young.

I'm too young.
God has given me a heart that whats to help hurting people I want to show them that God has the power to heal them.
I would pray and pray that God would give me chances to do just that.After a long wait I came to the mind set that I was to young that I couldn't do work for God. He needed someone wise ,and older,and someone that had it all together.But that was NOT the case.
One day I have know idea why it was the day ,but it was I sat down and cried for the people around me SO SO many who are abused ,and is horid places,and doing horid things.I relized that God has put me he for a reason that I had the life I had for a reason.To bring glory to God.
So for now my heart is for those that don't know the truth.TO SHOW THEM GOD,AND TO LOVE THEM,BECAUSE CHRIST LOVED ME FIRST.
So God doesn't need a rich man ,and wise man ,a man who was had a good life .He will work through the weak and the poor ,and through ME!!!!!!!!! If only I alow him too.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Home schooling.

Many times I'm asked "Young lady,why are not in school?" Well with lots of practice I have learned to say, I am. Some will laugh and say no I mean "SCHOOL."Some will even say it slower for me like I don't understand what sssssscccccchhhhhhooooooolllll is. Then very nicely I tell them I homeschool. Then depending on who it is ,then may look down and relize that I'm wearing a long skirt ,and they'll node their head ,and walk away.Some will say "why?" don't you know how fun high school is ,and your missing so much.Do you even have to do work?
What they don't understand is I am learning so much at home ,and I enjoy school.But most importianly I learn stuff that I'll use in my life. This is my 2nd year homeschooling, and yet I have learned so much ,and like I say before I love it.I don't dread reading a book ,and I can work on the things I need to work on more. Instead of moving on without understanding any of it.
This year I am also getting the previlge of teaching my 3 year old brother.It's very fun ,and also helps me .Since I some day want to have childern of my own ,and it helps me bond with my brother.
I don't know why people look down on homeschooling as if it's a way to excape doing work ,and learning.When in fact your learning so much information that is useful too.
Although I may be missing out on dances ,and partying,and "high school" I get to be with my family everyday,and I can sit in front of my stove and read my history book.I can also have friends come over and learn something together,and have fun.
So Amen on homeshooling.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Well it's here FALL.......
I don't what most of you think of when you hear that word.For many it may get you thinking of the snow and hoildays ,for others it may be time to get your fall decoratings out(I too will enjoy that) ,but for me I think of rest. Not running around ,not gone for weeks at a time,but just being around my family. Enjoying everything that the Lord has given you.
Please don't get me wrong Summer is great ,camping ,and swimming ,and all the other stuff that steals your time is great,but I'm glad that it comes to an end.Like in the book of Ecclesiastes: There is a time for everything.
and a season for everything under heaven.............
So I will enjoy this beautiful weather(except in the mornings when my toes are cold)And the very beautiful earth God the creater made.
I want to share with you some of my summer fun with you too.We did our family ,and friend cap trip ,we had great weater warm enough to swim in.This year was even more special some of my closest friens were able to come.Finally some girls (not that guys can't be fun) But with then was the Mary Jane camping book.The pictures we're so pretty,and lovily,so lets just say she inspired us to go fishing in aprons,and all dresses up .In what we had.But we did have a so much fun.I hope you enjoy looking at my pictures.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A new puppy.

Well I want to interduce you all to my new dog. He's a Jack Russuel mix. He's a cute little dog (except at 2 am) I have had him for about 2 almost 3 weeks. Now if anyone of you have a 1 ,3 ,and 4 year old in your house you are already aware that they WILL freak out when you walk through your house doors holding a furry little thing , and you see that I wrote thing because they don't really understand that this is a live animal ,and sitting on him can hurt him. Well ether Trigger (my puppy) will love kids or hate them. My 3 ,and 4 year old brothers are learning what they are aloud to do ,and what they are not aloud to do with him. Now my little 1 year old sweat little sister is a different story. She still thinks that it's ok to sit on him. But I have to say they are pretty cute to watch when their all three running around the house screaming because the bear is coming (That big scary bear would be my little dog.) Trigger is a funny little dog he does sometimes think he's a bear ,sometimes that thought gets him into trouble with my other dog who is by no means small. So that's pretty much all that has been happening around here. And all I have to say is thank you LORD for kids and puppies.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A great creater.

You know how great our creater is ? I mean have you recently just looked around and seen the beautiful earth he has created? He could have made it plain . I mean he didn't have to feel it with evergreen trees, and rivers that flowed peacefully. He has surrounded my house with such a pretty veiw for me I can't not think of him whenn I walk out my front door. If heaven is better ,and pretter then where I leave Please call me home Father.
(Here are some pictures of wher I leave.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A great gift from the Lord.

Well I have to say that God has given me many great gifts in my life . Even though at times I don't always see them or even appreciate as much as I should.
I haven't always been in a home or had a family. I had people would wern't made to have kids. So I am so so blesed to have mine that God has recintly given me. I would like to welcome them to you. First I has my papa who is my protecter ,provided ,profit ,and priest. He is everything I ever could dream of a him being .Then I have my mama who is sweat , gentle ,and a great teacher. She is moore then I could ever dream of being.Then I have my two little worrior's Wade ( 4 almost all grown up as he would say.) and Jonas (2) their such a blessing to teach ,and watch grow. Then I have my sweat 1 year old sister who is learning to be a princess and not a growling animal .... Well that was it 2 months ago .But our great Lord has blessed my mama's womb agian.. Thank you Lord... That's it I know a perfect family......